/* ************************************************************* */ /* Index Fragmentation Status (idsfrag.sql): */ /* */ /* This script will report the index fragmentation status */ /* for a schema. */ /* */ /* Note: - Do not run this scrip during peak processing hours!!! */ /* - This script will fail for locked tables. */ /* */ /* ************************************************************* */ prompt -- Drop and create temporary table to hold stats... drop table my_index_stats / create table my_index_stats ( index_name varchar2(30), height number(8), del_lf_rows number(8), distinct_keys number(8), rows_per_key number(10,2), blks_gets_per_access number(10,2) ) / prompt -- Save script which we will later use to populate the above table... insert into my_index_stats select NAME, HEIGHT, DEL_LF_ROWS, DISTINCT_KEYS, ROWS_PER_KEY, BLKS_GETS_PER_ACCESS from INDEX_STATS -- Note this open line... save /tmp/save_index_stats.sql replace prompt prompt -- Spool listing with validate commands... col line1 newline col line2 newline col line3 newline set pagesize 0 set echo off set termout off set trimspool on set feed off set linesize 200 spool /tmp/validate_indexes.sql select 'prompt Process table '||owner||'.'||table_name|| ', index '||index_name||'...' line1, 'validate index '||owner||'.'||index_name||';' line2, '@/tmp/save_index_stats.sql' line3 from sys.dba_indexes where owner = 'OPS$GIRAFE' order by table_name, index_name / spool off set termout on set feed on prompt prompt -- Run script to validate indexes... @/tmp/validate_indexes.sql prompt -- Print nice report... set pagesize 50000 set trimspool on col height format 99999 col del_rows format 9999999 col rows/key format 999999.9 spool idxfrag.lst select INDEX_NAME, HEIGHT, DEL_LF_ROWS "DEL_ROWS", DISTINCT_KEYS "DIST KEYS", ROWS_PER_KEY "ROWS/KEY", BLKS_GETS_PER_ACCESS "BLKS/ACCESS" from MY_INDEX_STATS / spool off -- Cleanup drop table my_index_stats / ! rm /tmp/validate_indexes.sql ! rm /tmp/save_index_stats.sql prompt prompt Report is in idxfrag.lst prompt Done!!!