Phils quick-n-dirty intro to object-oriented thinking #3

A VERY QUICK next section here; by request, here's a section on how and when to use OOP.


See the "General Principle" section, below, for why the first two are good examples.


The first one is bad, because a slidescreen show is just a sequential list of operations. There is no obvious cohesion of elements.
The second one is bad, because it makes the top-level normal C function, "main()", an object, for no particular reason. Making something an object, does not automatically make it better.

General Principle

In some CS class or other, (probably software methodology), the following concept was brought up:

  Objects or modules should have high cohesion internally, and loose
  coupling externally.
Or something like that. The idea being, if you have designed your object correctly, it will be filled with highly-related things, internal to itself. That's high cohesion (or is it "coherence"?).

Loose coupling, on the other hand, means that you can do useful work with the object, with only a few member functions operating on it. External access to the object needs to know almost nothing about the internals of the class. You should aim to let an external function do what it needs to do, with a minimum of calls.
Note: That does NOT mean "1 function with a 10-member struct is better than 10 functions with 1 data-argument each"

If you find you are making a lot of the internals of an object visible, or directly changable by outside folks, then you most likely have either designed your object poorly, or have made the wrong choice of objects. Sometimes, there are multiple ways to break a program down into object. Not all of them will be as efficient as others.

An extreme example:

Let's say for some reason, you have to have representations of elephants, and oranges. Your first impulse might be to make a object class "Thing". "Thing" would then have special status queries, "isElephant()", and "isOrange()". It might then have further operators "ThingElephantFeed()", and "ThingOrangePeelit()".

This would certainly work. But it is very poor design. Firstly, it requires the programmer to know what this object "really" was. After that, the programmer uses the object in completely different ways.

There is no reason in this case to make an elephant, and an orange, share a common class. It might make more sense to have an Animal class, and a Food class. Then Animal would have "Feed()", and Food would have "ShedWrapping()".

Once again, if you find yourself using a single object type, in vastly different ways, for different invocations, you probably should not be using a single object type in the first place.

Next section: A Game-Plan

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