Advanced variable usage


Yes, you CAN have arrays in ksh, unlike old bourne shell. The syntax is as follows:

# This is an OPTIONAL way to quickly null out prior values
set -A array

print ${array[1]}
print ${array[2]}
print ${array[3]}
print ${array[three]}

Special variables

There are some "special" variables that ksh itself gives values to. Here are the ones I find interesting

Tweaks with variables

Both bourne shell and KSH have lots of strange little tweaks you can do with the ${} operator.
The ones I like are below.

To give a default value if and ONLY if a variable is not already set, use this construct:


(KSH only)
You can also get funky, by running an actual command to generate the value. For example


(KSH only)
To count the number of characters contained in a variable string, use ${#varname}.

  echo num of chars in stringvar is ${#stringvar}

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This material is copyrighted by Philip Brown