Example of script development

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Hopefully, you have read through all the other chapters by this point. This page will show you the "big picture" of shellscript writing.

Here are four versions of essentially the same program: a wrapper to edit a file under SCCS version control.
The basic task is to use the sccs command to "check out" a file under version control, and then automatically edit the file. The script will then be used by "users", aka coders, who may not be particularly advanced UNIX users. Hence, the need for a wrapper script.

While the basic functionality is the same across all versions , the differences in safety and usability between the first version and the last version are staggering.

The first one is extremely bad: it would be written by someone who has just picked up a book on shellscripting, and has decided, "I'm a programmer now".

The second one is an improvement, showing some consideration to potential users by having safety checks.

The third one is a good, solid version. It's a positive role model for your scripts.

The final one is a full-blown, paranoid, commented program unto itself, with whiz-bang features. This is the way a professional programmer would write it. Don't let that put you off: it's the way you can and should write it too! You might start with a version like the initial dumb one, as the initial step in your code development, just to make sure you have the basic functionality for the task. But after it is shown to work, you should upgrade it to a more reasonable one immediately.

Note: there is a summary of good practices show in this page, at the bottom.

The newbie progammer version


sccs edit $1
if [ "$EDITOR" = "" ] ; then

This version makes somewhat of an attempt to be user friendly, by having a check for a user-specified EDITOR setting, and using it if available. However, there are no comments, no error checking, and no help for the user whatsoever!

The sysadmin-in-training version


# Author: Joe Newguy

if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
	print "This program will check out a file, or files, with sccs"
	exit 1

# set EDITOR var to "vi" if not already set

sccs edit $@

This is somewhat of a step above the prior version. It accepts multiple files as potential arguments. It's always nice to be flexible about the number of files your scripts can handle. It also has a usage message, if the script is called without arguments.

Unfortunately, there is still quite a bit lacking, as you can tell by comparing it to the next version.

The Senior Admin version


# SCCS editing wrapper, version 0.3
#  Author - Sys Admin
#  Usage: see usage() function, below

	print sedit
	print "usage: sedit file {file2 ...}"

# Set EDITOR var to "vi" if not already set to something
# Could already be in path, but it doesnt hurt to add it again.
# Sorry, I assume solaris machines everywhere: adjust as needed.
if [ ! -x /usr/ccs/bin/sccs ] ; then
	print ERROR: sccs not installed on this machine. Cannot continue.
	exit 1

if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
	print ERROR: no files specified
	exit 1

# Yes, I could use "sccs edit $@" and check for a single error, but this
# approach allows for finer error reporting
for f in $@ ; do
	sccs edit $f
	if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
		print ERROR checking out file $f
		if [ "$filelist" != "" ] ; then
			print "Have checked out $filelist"
		exit 1
	filelist="$filelist $f"

$EDITOR $filelist
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
	print ERROR: $EDITOR returned error status
	exit 1

This guy has been around the block a few times. He's a responsible sysadmin, who likes to be disaster-prepared. In this case, the most likely "disaster" is 100 calls from developers asking "Why doesnt it work for me?" So when things break, it's a good idea to provide as much information as possible to the user.

Nice things to note:

Compare and contrast the first version of the program, to this one. Then try to make your own scripts be more like this!

The Senior Systems Programmer version


# SCCS editing wrapper, version 1.3
#  Author - Phil Brown
#  Usage: see usage() function, below

	print sedit
	print "usage: sedit [-c|-C] [-f] file {file2 ...}"
	print "  -c   check in file(s) after edit is complete"
	print "  -C   check in all files with single revision message"
	print "  -f   ignore errors in checkout"

# Set EDITOR var to "vi" if not already set to something
# Could already be in path, but it doesnt hurt to add it again.
# Sorry, I assume solaris machines everywhere: adjust as needed.
if [ ! -x /usr/ccs/bin/sccs ] ; then
	print ERROR: sccs not installed on this machine. Cannot continue.
	exit 1

while getopts "cCfh" arg
	case $arg in
		exit 1

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))

if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
	print ERROR: no files specified
	exit 1

if [ "$checkinall" != "" ] && [ "$checkin" != "" ] ; then
	print WARNING: -c and -C used. Will use -C.

# Yes, I could use "sccs edit $@" and check for a single error, but this
# approach allows for finer error reporting.
#  "$@" is a special construct that catches spaces in filenames.
#   Note that "$*" is NOT 100% the same thing.
for f in "$@" ; do
	sccs edit "$f"
	if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
		print ERROR checking out file $f
		if [ "$force" = "" ] ; then
			if [ "$filelist" != "" ] ; then
				print "Have checked out $filelist"
			exit 1
		# else, -f is in effect. Keep going
	filelist="$filelist $f"

# I would like to use "$filelist", but that does not preserve spaces
# in file names
$EDITOR "$@"
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
	print ERROR: $EDITOR returned error status
	exit 1

if [ "$checkinall" != "" ] ; then
	# -C option used. re-check in all files at once.
	sccs delget $filelist
	if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
		print "ERROR checking in files?"
		exit 1
	exit 0
if [ "$checkin" != "" ] ; then
	# -c option used. re-check in each file.
	for file in $filelist ; do
		sccs delget $file
		if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
			print "WARNING: failed to check in $file"
		# do NOT stop after error. Keep trying to check
		# in any other files

This guy has been around the block a few times. Heck, he helped BUILD the block ;-)

This was originally my third and final version. It's the way I would really write the script. But I decided it might be a bit daunting to new scripting folks, so I made a new intermediate third step, above.

Additional things beyond the previous version:

Summary of positive features

Here is a summary of all the positives added through the different versions.

TOP of tutorial
This material is copyrighted by Philip Brown, © January 2002