Mail and X-Windows Networking Configuration

Configuring Email

File to Change: /etc/aliases

    You may need to change some the entries.  Set the postmaster line to the email address of the person responsible for the system (see comments in the aliases file itself.  Also, on old SGIs /etc/aliases may be in /usr/lib/aliases.)

SGI uses an 'autoconfiguring' version of /etc/ You can create this file with the 'configmail setup' command, but it doesn't set everything you will want. Instead, just create the file /etc/sendmail.params by hand (permissions mode 644) with the following contents:

This should work fine (assuming the chem domain is appropriate!), other than possibly needing to edit the Cw line to add more aliases:
[NB: if you make use of ipaliasing, you WILL have to add the ipaliased hostnames onto the Cw macro line.]

Now, restart the mail programs

/etc/init.d/mail stop
/etc/init.d/mail start
Then try out email, locally, and to and from another host.

The command 'mailq' shows you the pending mail queue. Look in /var/adm/SYSLOG or the appropriate mail log file to see logs of deliveries. The mail log might be directed to somewhere else (see syslog.conf; the mail logging level is set by the 'OL' macro in

Configuring X-Windows networking:

Securing X-Windows access:

IRIX 6.5: The X-Windows features in the "Improve System Security" section are sufficient for the next step.  Continue below with "Allowing X-Windows access."

Most of the configuration files for the X11 window manager xdm are located in the directory /var/X11/xdm.
[NB: older versions of IRIX may have these files in /usr/lib/X11/xdm.]

Comment out '/usr/sbin/xhost +' or equivalent commands in the following files:
Xsession, Xsession-remote, Xsession.dt

(this prevents anyone on the Internet from writing or reading your console screen, a pretty good idea.)

On newer IRIXes (eg 6.3), a slightly different command structure is found in Xsession and Xsession.dt. In these cases, it is possibly sufficient to make sure that the file /usr/lib/desktop/xhoston does not exist. Search for 'xhost' in these files and see the comments nearby to be sure.

In the absence of X terminals, you should look at and comment out lines in /var/X11/xdm/Xaccess, just to be safe.

Pre-IRIX 6.2 only: You should change /var/X11/xdm/Xservers to be the following, to close a security hole, apparently fixed as of IRIX 6.2.  Note: upgrading to IRIX 6.5 with this will make the graphical display unusable.
[The following should be all one line; just the '-shmnumclients 0' part is new]:

:0 secure /usr/bin/X11/X -bs -nobitscale -c -pseudomap
4sight -solidroot sgilightblue -cursorFG red -cursorBG white 
-shmnumclients 0

Allowing X Windows access:

    Now that your host has X Windows access turned off by default, you need to allow access to any remote hosts that need to display to your screen.  For example, workstation users often log into servers and run graphical programs.  The server displays the graphics to the workstation's screen.  It needs to be allowed X access in order to do this.  To allow to display to your workstation for the current login session, enter:

xhost will now be able to display any programs you run on it to your workstation's screen.  Under this scenario, it becomes tedious having to enter the hostnames to allow each time you log in.  To fix this, enter the hosts that need to display to your screen AND that you trust to the file /etc/X0.hosts.  Log out and back in for it to take effect.  You can see what hosts are allowed to display to your screen at any time by entering:
FYI, the following message means that a remote host tried to display to your screen, but has been turned down because it wasn't authorized by your system
Xlib: connection to "" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
Error: Can't open display:

Using /etc/X0.hosts is still somewhat tedious, because it involves contacting a sysadmin to change the X0.hosts file.  There is another method called X authorization.  X authorization lets any user allow a remote-host to display on their screen.  First, turn on usage of X authorization (see 'xauth' manpage for more);edit xdm-config.
Change the line

DisplayManager*authorize:               off
DisplayManager*authorize:               on
and reboot for it to take effect.

Now, edit .rhosts in the home directory of the account on the remote machine.  Add the following line:

local_machine_hostname username

Change the permissions on the file:

chmod 600 .rhosts
Using rlogin, the remote machine will now allow the user to log in without a password.   The local user can authorize the remote machine to display to the local machine with a command alias such as this:
xauthorize [user@]remotehost
where they have the following alias set in their (csh or tcsh) shell:
alias xauthorize 'xauth extract - `hostname -s`:0 | rsh \!:1 xauth merge -'

last updated 2/22/00 by Martin McCormick

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