From: Corne Beerse (cbeerse@gmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 03:59:24 EST

Marshall, Richard wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a group to which several users are assigned, the umask for
> these users is set 00 and the current ftpd umask is set to 027
> (default). I know how to change the ftpd umask value, but not sure
> what it should be changed to in order to produce the following:
> User wants all files ftp’ed from remote host to local host user
> accounts to be u=rw,g=rw permissions
Correct me if I'm wrong. The security and umask settings can best be
calculated in ocatal and/or binary format. I always drop down to binary
mode for the settings. The wished settings are rw-rw----, in binary
(triplets) 110.110.000.

With the umask, you can force the 0-s. Hence to force that, the umask in
binarie must be 001.001.111. These triplets transfer to octal as 0117.
As far as I know, the umask is in octal so there you have it. Be noted,
an octal value is always preceded by a '0', just as a hex value is
preceded by '0x'.

I might be off, but the sticky bits and such are also part of this
security settings. If you want to force them too, the numbers just get
larger: To force no sticky bits, the bin number becomes
and the octal 03117. There are more bits but I donnot know them by head.
And this larger umask value might be ignored, specially in the
ftp-server, because they are ignored at all.


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