[HPADM] Sendmail - From address

From: Roger Realsen (roger.realsen@wareforce.com)
Date: Fri Feb 17 2006 - 11:19:29 EST


HP9000 rp3440
HPUX 11.0

We have and use sendmail from this server to generate messages from
within an application running on this box. The users only ever access
this box through telnet and then go directly in to the application -
they never get to any OS functions at all.

When using a command such as:

        "mailx -m -s "TEST" roger.realsen@wareforce.com < some_file"

The Email comes in with a from address of
"<user>@servername.wareforce.com". Since we use Exchange and our SMTP
addresses are formatted as <firstname>.<lastname>@wareforce.com, the
above address does not work well. I know I can use the "-r" option but
I do not have access to the application functions that call the mailx
command and cannot pass in any "-r" option.

Is there any OTHER way to fix the from address at the OS level?


Roger Realsen

Roger Realsen | Director of IT | Wareforce | office: 949.452.1411 | fax:
949.452.1413 | roger.realsen@wareforce.com
IM: TrendGod98 Yahoo: trendgod MSN: trendgod@cox.net
"We make IT run better."

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