[HPADM] The power button on the rp3440

From: Grey Monk (kaiser@bk.ru)
Date: Thu Nov 24 2005 - 03:09:52 EST

Does anybody knows how can I enable proper hp-ux shutdown by simple pressing the power button on the front side of the server?

The uncommenting of the "powf" entry in the /etc/inittab and issuing the "init q" is NOT enough.

sss # cat /etc/powerfail.cfg
# Powerfail configuration values.
# PATH command path
# PFAIL_REPORT: 1 - "wall" report of powerfail sent to all users
# 0 - do not report via "wall"
# PFAIL_LOG: 1 - record report of powerfail to the log file
# 0 - do not record report
# PFAIL_LOGFILE path to powerfail log file
# USER_CMDS path to file of user-configured commands

# User-entered configuration values here
sss # cat /etc/local/powerfail
# This file is to be customized by users for powerfail handling.
# Command lines are to be entered in the section below. This file
# is sourced by the script /sbin/powerfail. Normally you would check
# the run state if you have states other than zero and execute the
# commands necessary to reload devices.

/sbin/shutdown -hy 0

# End of user-customized powerfail handling
sss # ll /etc/powerfail.cfg /etc/local/powerfail
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 445 Nov 16 11:42 /etc/local/powerfail
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 548 Nov 16 11:21 /etc/powerfail.cfg
sss #

It seems to me that the kernel DOES NOT send the SIGPWR to the init.

hp-ux 11.11

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