[HPADM] [SUMMARY] Soft Link identification

From: Stephanie C (stepchung@gmail.com)
Date: Tue Sep 27 2005 - 18:33:30 EDT

Thanks to Bill Thompson, Andy Cranton, John Lanier and others.

find / -type l -exec ls -ld {} \;
--> find / -type l -print
--> ll `find / -type l -print` | more
--> ll `find / -type l -print` | wc -l
--> ll `find / -type l -print` >links.txt

>From "man find":

-type c True if the type of the file is c, where c is
one of:
f Regular file
d Directory
b Block special file
c Character special file
p FIFO (named pipe)
l Symbolic link <--
s Socket
n Network special file
M Mount point

-links n True if the file has n links.
 find / -type f -links +1 -print

 I inhered the messy HP-UX servers from a gentlemen who left the company.
Looking at the systems directories structure, I get severe head ache. He
linked files and directories over places. Is there a way to identify all the
files and directories soft link on the system. I do not want to do one
directory at a time. This will take forever. Thanks.

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