[HPADM] Software Maintenance

From: Justin Willoughby (jwilloug@mhc.net)
Date: Wed Jul 20 2005 - 13:48:54 EDT

I am looking for some clarification on software maintenance from HP on
one of their products.

We have a product we purchased quite a few years ago for one of our
HP9000 boxes and had been carrying maintenance on that product. My
manager dropped maintenance on that product because we thought it was
going to be replace by another product from a different vendor. Now I
find out this might not happen and the original product might continue
to be used.

What I need to know is, can we legally continue to use the product we
originally purchased without maintenance, knowing we don't have software
support or upgrades? I want to be sure what we are doing is not wrong. I
don't agree with this whole thing but it's not something that is under
my control.

- Justin

 Justin Willoughby
 Computer Operations

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