[HPADM] Re: HPWorld in SanFrancisco...CANCELLED

From: Kees denHartigh (kees@ee.ualberta.ca)
Date: Tue Jul 19 2005 - 00:54:01 EDT

So here are 2 ficticitous scenarios

Joe - an IT professional and HP customer at HPWorld in a storage session:

I have a question, I currently own an EMC disk array with a huge
database currently occupying the filesystem.
We are migrating our servers from Sun V880/solaris to rx4610 intergity
servers running hp-ux 11i
What do I need to do to migrate the EMC array to our new server and be
able to access the Data.

Sam - HPWorld speaker HP employee with more than 25 years of HP server

Hmmm well I'm not sure but I think we went through that for a customer
at the Miskatonic University
a while back. Give me your card and I'll get you in touch with them to
see what need to be done.
I can also get a hold of one our Engineers. Might have to come up with a
driver or there might be a patch
we could apply to make the Dual Port Ultra-2 SCSI Interface Card your
rx4610 recognize the array.

Edward - EMC storage engineer in the audience speaks up.

Yup that's doable, meet me after the session at the EMC booth and I'll
introduce you to a guy that does this all the time.

And this is the answer same customer at the HP Techforum

Sam - HPWorld speaker HP employee with more than 25 years of HP server

Hmmm well I'm not sure, why don't you buy an HP storage array. We'll
give you 5 bucks a pound for your trade in EMC array
which you can apply to the purchase price of much faster array with more
We have HP Storage sales on the show floor.

I could embelish this alot more but you should get the basic idea.
I have been to Interex Interworks/HPWorld conferences for over 10 years
because of HP-UX and PA-Risc
involvement. Like all the MPE folks it was the only venue you could get
all those
great people that knew all this stuff cold and you could get answers.
More recently I have been working on
the conference committee getting more Linux and security content. I
really thought we had a compelling program
lined up for 2005 in spite of the sanctions placed on us by HP for
wanting some independence.
Registration was going well from what I heard.
It's a crying shame. HP is just not the same company any more.
It's not about people or values. It's about profit margins.


Ironically, the evangelically pursued profit purpose is a misnomer.
Financial returns are the means to an end, not the end itself. Of course
businesses need to be profitable, but that is not why they exist. Many
successful business pioneers know this, but are compelled by
expectations of the market to repeat the shareholder value mantra. We
need more champions of the likes of David Packard, co-founder of
Hewlett-Packard, who reflects: “Why are we here? Many people assume,
wrongly, that a company exists solely to make money. People get together
and exist as a company so that they are able to accomplish something
collectively that they could not accomplish separately - they make a
contribution to society”.

This is what HP used to be and the mantra most HP veterans believe. This
has been lost in the last 5 years at HP since all the hype of the Compaq
merger and commercialism/commoditization of the computer industry in
general. The work ethic is now gone. Old paradigms no longer exist.
It's to bad we can't present the program we've worked so hard on to
assemble over the past 7 months. I think this years program committee
did such an excellent
job and came up with the best program this conference has ever seen.
Money and not knowledge wins again.
Interex is dead, Long live Interex.
There are still Interex conferences in Europe!
They have merged with the Decus/Encompass/Compaq crowd there.
I commend the Europeans for thier open minds.

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