[HPADM] Re: SUMMARY question about disks

From: Peter Unmack (peter.lists@unmack.net)
Date: Sat Mar 19 2005 - 16:32:45 EST

G'day Folks

Thanks to the following people (in no particularly order) for their
helpful responses. I greatly appreciate all of your inputs.

Mohan Sundaram
Rita Workman
Ahrendt, Marc
Dan Zucker
Bill Kruchas
Dan Zucker
Wolf-Dietrich Schmook

Bill Kruchas suggested trying vgscan and possibly mkboot in order to make
it boot again. I haven't had a chance to try this yet though. Dan Zuker
suggested I may also have changed the boot settings on the hardware, stop
the boot process and try searching for it.

Wodisch provided the following detailed answer that worked perfectly and
enabled me to retrieve all of the files I needed. Some other respondants
provided similar answers too.

the comand to *use* your disk on another system is "vgimport".
In order to use it, you'll have to:
1) mkdir /dev/vgtmp
2) mknod /dev/vgtmp/group c 64 0x090000
     ls -l /dev/*/group
3) vgimport /dev/vgtmp /dev/dsk/your-disk
4) vgchange -a y /dev/vgtmp
5) mkdir -p /mnt/1 /mnt/2 /mnt/3 /mnt/4 ...
6) mount /dev/vgtmp/lvol1 /mnt/1
     mount /dev/vgtmp/lvol2 /mnt/2
7) get your files
8) umount /mnt/1
     umount /mnt/2
9) vgchange -a n /tmp/vgtmp
10) vgexport /dev/vgtmp

Don't even think about using "vgcreate" or "pvcreate"!

In order to be even able to use LVM-disks on HP-UX (any version) you have
to "vgimport" the disks into a running system first. Then you "activate"
it (vgchange -a y) and only then you will be able to use commands like

No knowing the names of your logical volumes was the reason to use
"/mnt/1" and so forth in my example.
Potentially the logical volumes will be like this:

- "lvol1" was your stand-filesystem, i.e. your kernel, mounted as "/stand"
- "lvol2" was your primary swap-space, so we won't care about it
  and you will not be able to "mount" it
- "lvol3" was your root-filesystem, i.e. mounted as "/"
- "lvol4" ... "lvol8" were your filesystems "/tmp", "/opt", "/usr", and
- there might be more logical volumes, those were your data filesystems

My original question is below.

Thanks again!

G'day folks

I had a disk setup via LVM that was the boot disk for one machine I had.
All of the "partitions" only occur within this one disk. I made the
mistake of moving that disk, not realising that it would no longer boot
the machine when I put it back in its original place (seems like you could
do this for non-LVM disks). Anyway, as you probably figured out I am
semi-retarded when it comes to disks, and especially LVM. I have tried
mounting this disk on another machine, but it won't let me do it (some
message about it having LVM structure). I have searched around the
archives, but haven't found anything because obviously most people who
have any clue about what they are doing wouldn't do what I did.

My first priority is to try and get a couple of files off the disk. The
second would be to make it boot again on the original machine I had it set
up on. Would someone please consider offering me some suggestions on what
to try? It would be greatly appreciated.

Peter Unmack

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