[HPADM] Connectrix Vs. Symmetrix

From: Neil Paniraj (npaniraj@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Jan 21 2005 - 16:20:32 EST


    I've been using only Symmetrix EMC SAN Storage
solutions in my past. Now, I have got a server which
is attached to Connectrix. I ran "inq" on this server
with Connectrix disks. I didn't like the output.
Mainly, because it doesn't give me the Serial Number
of the various disks. I have 4 Fiber Channel Cards, so
each disk has 3 redundant paths. And these disks are
common between two Superdomes. Serial number always
used to help me co-relate the disks on the two
servers. "Diskinfo -v" too doesn't give me any unique
information about a disk.

Can anyone give me suggestions to identify these disks
between the two servers. It will not be as tricky if
the cXtYdZ numbers are identical on both the servers.
But, my SAN Storage Admin says it could be different.


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