[HPADM] Re: yesterday date manipulations

From: Vic (vicryan@pop500.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Date: Wed Dec 29 2004 - 09:21:56 EST


The following perl command will give you any date, past or future.
Just change the time - or + value to the number of days to offset.
___m1= minus 1, ___p1=plus 1

# Set to Yesterday
set -- $(perl -e 'print scalar localtime (time -1 * 86400),"\n"' | \
        awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5}'); \
        datem1="$*" daym1="$1" monthm1="$2" domm1="$3" \
        timem1="$4" yearm1="$5"

# here domm1 will equal yesterday's date.....
# Works for year changeover also

# Set to today
set -- $(perl -e 'print scalar localtime' | \
       awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5}');\
       today="$*" day="$1" month="$2" dom="$3" time="$4" year="$5"
# All Tue Dec 28 08:55:53 2004

# Set to tomorrow
set -- $(perl -e 'print scalar localtime (time +1 * 86400),"\n"' | \
        awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5}'); \
        datep1="$*" dayp1="$1" monthp1="$2" domp1="$3" \
        timep1="$4" yearp1="$5"

This works great, I use it to get a command line listing of my
Data Protector schedule 14 days in advance.

My thanks to whomever posted it to the net some time ago in some
other forum.


James V. Ryan
Bldg. 23, Code 585
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD  20771, USA
On 12/29/04 8:00 AM, "HAUTECOEUR Bruno" <HAUTECOB@ESSILOR.fr> wrote:
> Hi admins
> in order to get the "yesterday" date, i use the following syntax:
> `TZ=MET-1METDST+24 date +%d%m%Y`
> This works fine for days from 2 to 30 or 31. But it doesn't work for the 1st
> of the month. 
> Do to know the way to make this work also for the 1st day ?
> Regards
> ________________
> Architecte système Unix
> DSI / Architecture & Systèmes - Essilor International
> Tel: 33 (0)1 72 94 73 20 - Fax: 01 39 26 53 08
> mail: hautecob@essilor.fr
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