[HPADM] SUMMARY: Service Processor login

From: Ernesto Freyre (efreyre@isp.qnet.com.pe)
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 10:04:12 EDT

Hi List: Thank you all those helped me,

Thank you to James Lonski,Ole Hansen,Bill Hassell.

I followed indications from James Lonski :

He says:

After logging into the MP/GSP the server processor lets you become the console. More to the point, you don't get a choice. You are the console.

The "^E cf" gives either a console login or prompt. You need to do a ^B to go back into the MP. Convoluted a little bit, but it beats the pants off of IBM who don't have IP access to their service processors.

After pressing the ^B sequence, press ENTER if you don't get a menu. The older non-partitionable systems will just give you a "GSP>" prompt. Type "he li" (help list) for a list of all commands. You should see "so". New systems that are partitionable will give you a front-end menu. Choose "cm" for the command-menu. Then you can do "so".

Thank you all.


Ernesto Freyre R.
Área de Operaciones
Qnet - Servicios Internet
Teléfono. 241-4122 anexo 2245

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