[HPADM] Summary: Understanding output form Symmetrix syscfg command

From: Julian Rogan (Julian.Rogan@Unilever.com)
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 05:09:16 EDT

Many thanks to all who replied.

My model is an 3330 which has, I think, a capacity of 32. I have 10 disks
installed so there are lots of free slots.

There were some versions of commands that I could not use because I was at
an older version.

e.g. "symdev -noport list" will give you the devices that are not assigned
to a port (FA or SA), so they are not in use. from Don Winsor (or Winsor
Don) and Richard Goodwin.

There was also "symdisk list" whichI could not use for the same reason
from George Bodnar.

As an example I have included a mail from Stuart Abramson.

Do a "symcfg list -v". Here is mine below. See "<===" arrows.
I have an 8430 with 86 disks. The max capacity of the 8430 is 96 disks. I
can buy 10 disks.
You have a 3330 (old). I don't know what the max disk capacity of the 3330
is (see attached). You'll have to ask the list or go to www.emc.com
<http://www.emc.com> .
#symcfg list -v

Symmetrix ID: 000184500421 (Local)
    Product Model : 8430 <===
    Symmetrix ID : 000184500421
    Microcode Version (Number) : 5567 (15BFAA01)
    Microcode Date : 05.02.2003
    Microcode Patch Date : 05.02.2003
    Microcode Patch Level : 52
    Cache Size : 8192 (MB)
    # of Available Cache Slots : 190824
    Max # of System Write Pending Slots : 152808
    Max # of DA Write Pending Slots : 76404
    Max # of Device Write Pending Slots : 4251
    Symmetrix Total Operating Time : 214 days, 15:34:57
    Symmetrix Power ON Time : Sun Jan 5 17:34:08 2003
    Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold) : Sun Jan 5 18:22:16 2003
    Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot) : Mon Aug 4 15:39:32 2003
    Host DB Sync Time : Mon Aug 4 16:37:48 2003
    Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version : V5.1.1.0 (Edit Level: 367)
    Built with SYMAPI Version : V5.1.1.0 (Edit Level: 367)
    SYMAPI Run Time Version : V5.1.1.0 (Edit Level: 367)
    Number of Configured (Sym) Devices : 487
    Number of Visible (Host) Devices : 159
    Number of Configured Actual Disks : 86 <===
    Number of Configured Hot Spares : 0
    Number of Unconfigured Disks : 0
    Number of Powerpath Devices : 52
    Powerpath Run Time Version : 3.0.2
    SDDF Configuration State : Enabled
    Configuration Change State : Enabled
    WORM Configuration Level : N/A
    WORM Characteristics : N/A
    Symmetrix Configuration Checksum : 166278
    Switched RDF Configuration State : Disabled
    Concurrent RDF Configuration State : Disabled
    Dynamic RDF Configuration State : Disabled
    RDF Data Mobility Configuration State: Disabled
    Access Control Configuration State : Disabled
    Device Masking (VCM) Config State : Mixed
    Multi LRU Device Assignment : BY_NUMBER

Original question:

Can anyone tell me what the following lines mean at the bottom of the

from the symcfg command:

Number of Configured (Sym) Devices : 24
Number of Visible (Host) Devices : 40
Number of Configured Actual Devices : 10

I am trying to find out if I have any real disks in the Symmetrix disk
subsystem that are not currently used.



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