[HPADM] Use of DTC Manager

From: Julian Rogan (Julian.Rogan@Unilever.com)
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 11:18:47 EDT

I am trying to replace the DTC Manager software we have installed on a PC
to a version installed on an HPUX 10.20 server.

I have installed the software but when I try and execute the dtcconfig
command to bring up the GUI I get the message (in the log) of "<6309> open
of send socket failed"

I have looked in the DTC install docs directory and found a reference to a
similar message. It states "Failed to open socket" with this explanation:
"ACTION Ensure that the ipc directory exists". I don't know if this is
related to my problem

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. By the way does anyone
have access to a user guide for this software. I have downloaded one but
the install part only refers to a Windows type install. Is this all there

with regards,


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