[HPADM] Summary: Ksh: cannot fork: too many processes

From: Brent Styer (bstyer@arh.org)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 09:24:36 EST

Much thanks to Todd Willeat, Rita Workman, Baron Yurdagul and in
particular Bill Hassell for their suggestions.

I have increased nproc to 8000 and
maxuprc to 500

Thus far I have not had any recurrence of the problem. The possibility
of paging space being an issue was also mentioned as well as tweaking
the dbc_min and dbc_max parameters. It was also suggested that I include
more kernel parameters in the post. I will follow up with additional
kernal params if the problem persists, but this appears to have resolved
the problem. Thanks for the excellent responses.

Original Post:

I have a problem with an N class machine that is currently running HPUX
11.0. It is a 6 processor machine, with 4GB RAM, and currently
configured with 10 GB of primary swap space. We have Oracle 8i loaded
and typically 2 database instances are up and running. This is a
production system and this morning users started having problems
connecting to the database. Actually they are seeing a TNS error
indicating that the connection cannot be established. After logging into
the system it soon became apparent that no processes could be started.
Attempting to execute a command as root generated the following error:

Ksh: cannot fork: too many processes

nproc is currently set to 4116
maxuprc is currently set to 75

The actual number of processes running on the box did not exceed 300 at
the time. I have seen various references to increasing maxuprc in the
archives when faced with this error. If all the processes connecting to
the database are owned by the same user (In this case Oracle) I can see
why the users might start experiencing problems. But, does it make sense
that I would see the above mentioned error when executing a command as
root if maxuprc is the problem? Does anyone have any suggestions or
insight? Thanks.

Brent Styer

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