[HPADM] link to QPK1100_11.00.depot wrong on the ITRC site ?

From: Rama, Subu (srama@northropgrumman.com)
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 13:30:59 EST

I need to download the Sep 2002 patch bundle for HP-UX 11.00
I went through the whole fill-out-the form, accept the conditions rigmarole
However, the link that's given for downloading this depot is wrong.
Even though it says it's about 300/700 MB, I get about 28 MB. The depot
that's downloaded is has somethings called:
EMS-KRMonitor, LIF-LOAD, Sup-Tools ...
(Just did a tar tvf on the downloaded .depot)
Anybody knows what's going on ? Where is the patch depot ?
Thank you

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