From: Derko Drukker (Derko.Drukker@rivm.nl)
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 07:24:42 EST

Dear Listeners,

I received zero answers on the following question:
>Has anyone succesfully attached a DVD-writer to an HPUX-system ?
>If so, please details about which brand and driver/software.

Except one from Steen Hammerum urging me to summarize because he is looking
for this also, so this summary is solely for him :-)

BTW, it surprises me. Is it really so exceptional what we want ?


Derko Drukker
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) - National Institute
of Public Health and the Environment
Laboratorium voor Milieumetingen (LVM) - Laboratory of Environmental
Postbus 1
3720 BA Bilthoven - The Netherlands
tel. 030 2743418
fax 030 2287531

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