[HPADM] OMNIBACK Error while starting new job

From: Arjan Fraaij (hpux-admin@zonnet.nl)
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 03:06:34 EDT

Hello Admin,

If I want to start a new session (Omniback database backup) in Omniback
II I do get the following error:

[major] cannot backup internal database because another database check
in progress.

If I take a look at the current running sessions I donīt see an active
session, In unix zelf I see the following proces that mabay is causing
the error:
/opt/omni/lbin/dbbda -bmaname DB Omniback DDS vrijdag-3 -typ

The question is can I kill this process without any problems or wil it
end by it self. Why wonīt I see it in the current running session in
the Omniback GUI?

Thanks already,
Arjan Fraaij

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