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IITS HelplineVMS Beginner's FAQ

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Table of Contents

1. About this FAQ

  1. Who wrote this?
  2. What is OpenVMS? Is it VMS?
  3. What version of the FAQ is this?
  4. Where can I get a newer copy?
  5. Can I give this to other users or post it on my server?
  6. What conventions are used in this FAQ?

2. Processes

3. Files and Directories

4. Communications

5. DCL

  1. What is DCL?
  2. What is a DCL procedure?
  3. Why would I ever use a DCL procedure?


  1. What is POSIX?
  2. Why would I ever use POSIX?

7. DECwindows

  1. What is DECwindows?
  2. Why would I ever use DECwindows?
  3. How do I redirect the display to another machine?
  4. How do I tell where the display is going now?
  5. How do I allow another machine to display on my screen?
  6. Isn't there some sort of simple way to move files around?
  7. How do I stop an application that is locked up?
  8. How do I select menus and options without the mouse?
  9. What do each of the three buttons on the mouse do?

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Author: David Mathog
Credits: Rich Lafferty
Maintained by: helpline@alcor.concordia.ca
Last update: $Date: 1999/05/18 16:16:23 $ -- Rich Lafferty