Awareness Surveys


Security Awareness, Inc.


One of the most important factors for an effective information security awareness program is knowing where to start. Don't get off on the wrong foot with your awareness campaign.

Educate your organization with the information they need to help protect your information resources. After all, people and information are the two most valuable assets of any organization. Doesn't it make sense that you should help one protect the other?

Our survey services can help you determine the areas of awareness strengths and weaknesses within your organization. Find out what your staff already know about information security.... and what they don't.

We will work with you to design and deliver an online survey to your staff. The information collected will be reviewed and analyzed. We will then prepare a detailed report for you. The information will also be broken down into graphical format with an executive summary.You will be able to show your management what types of problems your organization may experience. Explain where you need to focus your awareness efforts and why.

Contact an SAI representative today to discuss how a survey will benefit your awareness program.


  1. Pre-survey discovery interview
  2. Sample notification e-mail
  3. Survey design
  4. Survey delivery and hosting
  5. Data collection
  6. Data analysis
  7. Report findings, executive summary, recommendations
  8. Helps establish your awareness baseline
  9. Provides direction and focus for your awareness program


Contact SAI for complete information


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