

ReSet Software Development Corp.

Win 95/98

ReSet2000 is a "crash recovery" software that provides powerful desktop management for Windows 95/98 users. ReSet 2000 is insurance for any system "emergency".

ReSet2000 enables a fast restore from PC crashes, completely back to a working state within seconds - without a boot disk.

When a user experiences problems resulting from major software conflicts or simple loss of Internet access, ReSet2000 restores in seconds and at the DOS level, independent of Windows, should Windows fail too.

When a "crash" or other malfunction occurs, ReSet2000 brings the entire system back to where it was before the crash without having to load program or backup disks.

ReSet2000 allows IS managers to preset systems and give users the power to reset their computers to the same setting before system failure. Without technical support assistance, PCs are returned to "operating" status in seconds.


  1. Full reboot in seconds
  2. Diskless recovery from DOS
  3. No Windows or bood disk required to recover
  4. Automatically saves current registry, core setting at shut-down
  5. Network capability. SMS and Y2K compliant
  6. Operates independent of Windows - Invisible during normal PC use
  7. Eliminates or reduces tech support
  8. Easy to Use
  9. User can personalize and label ReSet Image Files to be saved and used for recovery


US$129.00 per unit


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