Assured Office


E-Lock Technologies

Win 95/98: Win NT: Win 2000:

E-Lock’s flagship product, Assured Office 4.0, is fully compliant with the recently passed E-Sign Act that legalizes electronic signatures. Assured Office integrates with the Windows operating system and commonly used business applications like MS Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat, to provide superior digital signature capabilities as well as convenience and ease of use for its users. With Assured Office, organizations can now create and administer signing policies, enable multiple people to view and/or sign a document through approval management processes, and the ability to create user profiles.

Assured Office is available for IE, Netscape and Entrust PKI.


  1. Assured Office supports IE, Netscape and Entrust PKI
  2. Assured Office is E-Sign compliant
  3. It provides Authenticity, Data Integrity, Confidentiality, and Non-repudiation to electronic transactions
  4. Allows digital signing, encryption, verification and decryption of files/documents
  5. Supports applications like MS Word, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat
  6. Supports Multiple Signatures
  7. Enables Sequencing of Multiple signatures and Validation of the same through Security Policies
  8. Allows Batch Signing of Files
  9. Provides for Time - bound signatures
  10. Provides Electronic representation of hand written signatures


US$ 149- 249 (version dependent)


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