



PDABomb is a robust security application that addresses an alarming need to protect the information stored on Palm OS personal digital assistant (PDA) devices. PDABomb provides an easy-to-use interface and flexible protection alternatives. PDABomb is the only comprehensive security product available for the Palm OS that locks down potential security holes. It disables any data transfer mechanisms such as HotSync® and IrDa, so that there is no way to retrieve information without a password. Your information is secure even if the device is reset.

The user can choose which databases they wish to encrypt. This includes both standard Palm OS application databases as well as third party application databases. The user can also choose from different encryption algorithms (fast or slow) and whether to encrypt only private records or all records.

The PDABomb user can also choose whether or not they wish to enable the ultimate protection by activating the "bomb." If the user activates the "bomb," they choose the number of password attempts permitted on their device. When a password is not successfully entered correctly in the given number of attempts, PDABomb will delete all data and applications on the PDA. If the user chooses not to activate the "bomb," they must still provide a password to gain access, however they will have unlimited attempts to enter the correct password.

PDABomb is intended for all PDA users. Anyone who stores any confidential data on their handheld device must have PDABomb. Please see http://www.pdabomb.com for more information.


  1. Keeps PDA locked even after a device reset
  2. Disables the Palm OS high-level debugger (the debugger allows unauthorized persons to retrieve a full memory dump even from a locked device)
  3. Disables any data transfer mechanisms such as HotSync and IrDa port
  4. Does not store the actual passwords on a locked device, only an MD5 hash of the password
  5. Erases the encryption key from the device after the device is locked and regenerates it after password is entered correctly
  6. Prevents the use of brute force attacks by activating "the bomb," which erases all data after a certain number of password attempts are exceeded
  7. Includes Autolock feature to lock a device automatically after power-off without a prompt
  8. Allows selective database protection using the 'Encryption setup’ form
  9. Hides password from the screen during entry


US$ 29.95 per unit



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