Cylink PrivateWire


Cylink Corporation


The Internet has enabled corporations and individuals to achieve new business opportunities on a global scale. However, to take full advantage they must be able to ensure the security, integrity and legal validity of Internet-based transactions. PrivateWire does just that. PrivateWire makes it possible to harness the full potential of the Internet for e-business. A completely integrated software product, PrivateWire bundles all the features and functionality needed to secure electronic transactions. It integrates into enterprise applications with little or no change to the network environment. Plus it has the performance, reliability, security and scalability to meet even the toughest business requirements.


  1. Integrates multiple security features into a single software product
  2. Secures all TCP/IP applications including browsers and groupware
  3. Allows digital signing and verification of web forms
  4. Authentication with smart card option
  5. Flixible Remote Acces or Gateway-to-Gateway VPN deployment options
  6. Centralized or remote management
  7. Public key certificate management
  8. Secure remote maintenance


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