Market Share in the RDBMS world

Source: Dataquest (except where noted IDC)
(where you see two numbers, indicates two conflicting percentage
reports, depending on vendors releasing numbers)

Important note: these market shares are based on REVENUE, not a percentage
of the total installed base, nor % of new customers won, or number of
customers or any type of "% of servers."  Thus, an expensive engine
(Oracle) can have inflated numbers over a relatively cheap engine (MS 
Sql Server).  


Vendor		1997	1998	   1999		99IDC	2000Gartner

Oracle		29.4	29.3/30.7  31.1/.4 	42.4	33.8
IBM		28.9	32.3/30.0  29.9		20.4	30.1
Microsoft	9.9	10.2/10.7  13.1		7.8	14.9
Informix	4.8	4.4/4.8	   4.3/5	5.9	3.0
Sybase		4.5	3.5/3.6	   3.3		3.9	3.2 
Other		22.5	20.2/20.3  18.3/17  	19.6	15.0

1998: $7.1B market
1999: $8.0B
- $11.1B sales (IDC)
2000: $8.8 Gartner

Windows NT
1. Oracle 46.1% 
2. Microsoft 29.7% 

1999: no data

1. Microsoft 38%
2. Oracle 37.3%

Unix Market

1. Oracle 60.9% 
2. Informix 13.2% 
3. Ibm 7.3% 
4. Sybase 7.1% 
others 11.5%

1999: no data

1. Oracle 66.2%
2. IBM 
3. Informix (falling; was in 2nd place)
4. Sybase

1. Ibm (obviously) 

Mobile ($55M market) 
1998: 1. Sybase 55% 

Overall Relational: (3/4 of database market): Oracle leader.

2000: Rdbms market accounts for 80% of the DBMS market