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Blue Labs Software :: Bind9 Dynamic DNS HowTo
April 30th, 2002

First, a short list of things you need

Server Bind version 9, fully installed and operational as a DNS server
Client (remote) nsupdate from the Bind9 software suite

Now, the list of steps needed to get this penguin dancing.

  1. On the server, create a key and ensure permissions are tight. Older versions of BIND left a public readable file. I suggest more than 64 bits as shown below. I'm using 64bits simply for shorter examples.
    1. cd /etc
    2. dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 64 -n zone key-test
    3. chmod 600 Kkey-test.*
    4. ls -l Kkey-test.*
      -rw------- 1 root root 40 Apr 30 12:14 Kkey-test.+157+05402.key
      -rw------- 1 root root 69 Apr 30 12:14 Kkey-test.+157+05402.private
  2. Install this key in your named.conf file
    1. cat Kkey-test.+157+05402.key key-test. IN KEY 256 3 157 kdhJT0+U5cA=
    2. Insert this hash value as the secret
      key "key-test." { algorithm hmac-md5; secret "kdhJT0+U5cA="; };
  3. Add an allow-update statement for the zone this key is allowed to update
    1. Add the key to the zone file(s) you want to allow to be update with this key
      zone "david.blue-labs.org" { type master; file "users/david/external-view/david.blue-labs.org"; allow-update { key "key-test."; }; };
  4. Build a script or program on the client to accomplish the update periodically
  5. copy the private half of the above generated key to the client side and reference the file in the update script.
(unfinished obviously)
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