TSM Server-Server Setup

TSM Server to Server

This is a guide to configuring a

Sparcstorage Library (Exabyte EXB-210)

in a server to master server

configuration with a single client

For full details on the configuring of the EXB-210 (SparcStorage library) refer to the Tivoli Storage Manager setup Guide You will need to change information like the hostname and ip address to suit your configuration. If there is a requirement for you to customize profiles, policy's and management classes then you will have to add these. For an example of how to define your own policy's, profile, management classes, etc see the Oracle tivoli setup guide Anything in ( Red brackets ) is a comment only and should not be typed when configuring the system.

Setting up the TSM Master Server (nzwnstsm11001)

edit the file /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt and add the following commmethod tcpip (set server for tcp/ip communication) commmethod http (set server for http administration..if required) tcpport 1500 (set tcp/ip comm port to 1500) httpport 1580 (set http comms port to 1580) tcpwindowsize 0 (set to 0 to use your system OS tcp/ip default) tcpnodelay yes (set to yes to send small tcpip packets) edit the file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys and add the following if you require this system set up as a clint. servername nzwnstsm11001 (TSM server name) commmethod tcpip (use tcpip communication) tcpport 1500 (tcpip port set on server) tcpserveraddress nzwnstsm11001.lab.com (IP Address or name of server) start up dsmserv (the following commands are ran fron the dsmserv prompt) DSMSERV> register license file=10client.lic (license 10 clients) DSMSERV> register license file=drm.lic (license disaster recovery) DSMSERV> set servername tsmmaster (name of this server) DSMSERV> set serverhladdress (ip address of this server) DSMSERV> set serverlladdress 1500 (port number must match dsmserv.opt entry) DSMSERV> set serverpassword nzwnstsm11001 (password for this server) DSMSERV> set configmanager on ( sets this server as the master) DSMSERV> define server tsmlibrary serverpassword=nzwnstsm10001 hladdress= lladdress=1500 (Inform this server of the tsmlibrary server) DSMSERV> define profassociation default_profile domain=* (add all domains ) DSMSERV> define profassociation default_profile admins=* (add all admin) DSMSERV> define profassociation default_profile adscheds=*(add all schedules) DSMSERV> define profassociation default_profile clopt=* (add all client opts) (the above registers all domains, schedules, etc with the profile DEFAULT_PROFILE) DSMSERV> register admin fred blob (Set up an admin called fred passwd blob) DSMSERV> grant authority fred class=system(set privilages for administrator) DSMSERV> update server tsmlibrary allowreplace=yes (allow updates to profiles propergated to server tsmlibrary) DSMSERV> define schedule standard daily_incr action=incremental starttime=23:00 define a schedule "standard" to start at 11pm) DSMSERV> define association standard daily_incr * (setup all clients to use the policy "standard")

Configure the Server with the tape library (nzwnstsm10001)

edit the file /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt and add the following commmethod tcpip (set server for TCP/IP Communication) commmethod http (set server for http administration..if required) tcpport 1500 (set server for comms on port 1500) httpport 1580 (set server for admin coms on port 1580) tcpwindowsize 0 (set server to use OS TCP/IP window default) tcpnodelay yes (send (do not buffer)small tcpip packets) edit the file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys and add the following if you wish to set up this server as a client. servername nzwnstsm10001 (TSM server name) commmethod tcpip (use tcpip comms with server) tcpport 1500 (tcpip comm port on server) tcpserveraddress nzwnstsm10001.lab.com (IP Address or name of server) domain=all-local (backup all local disks) passwordaccess generate (pasword authentication) start up dsmserv (dsmserv needs to be runing on the master server) DSMSERV> register license file=10client.lic (license server for 10 clients) DSMSERV> register license file=advdev.lic (license server for tape library) DSMSERV> set servername tsmlibrary (set name of this server to tsmlibrary) DSMSERV> set serverhladdress (the IP address of this server) DSMSERV> set serverlladdress 1500 (port 1500, see dsmserv.opt tcpport) DSMSERV> set serverpassword nzwnstsm10001(server password is nzwnstsm10001) DSMSERV> define server tsmmaster serverpassword=nzwnsrim1001 hladdress= lladdress=1500 (inform this server of the master server) DSMSERV> define eventserver tsmmaster (setup the eventserver to be tsmmaster) DSMSERV> update server tsmmaster forcesync=yes(sync this server to master) DSMSERV> define subscription default_profile server=tsmmaster (subscriibe to the profile DEFAULT_PROFILE on the master server) DSMSERV> activate policyset standard standard (set policy to use) DSMSERV> set configrefresh 60 (set syncronation time with server) DSMSERV> remove node client (needed so master server can update this server) DSMSERV> register node nzwnsrim10001 blob userid=none (node nzwnsrim10001 with passwd blob to use this server) Next we need to configure the library and storage pools DSMSERV> define dbvolume /tivoli/db2.dsm formatsize=500 (create a database file 500mb in size) DSMSERV> define logvolume /tivoli/log2.dsm formatsize=50 (create a log database 50mb in size) DSMSERV> define backuppool /tivoli/backuppool2.dsm formatsize=500 (extend the backup storage pool "backuppool" by 500Mb) DSMSERV> extend db 500 (expand the database by the 500mb file db2.dsm) DSMSERV> extend log 50 (expand the log db by the 50mb file log2.dsm) DSMSERV> define library sparcstorage libtype=scsi device=/dev/rmt/0lb (set up the tape library ) DSMSERV> define drive sparcstorage drive01 device=/dev/rmt/2mt element=82 (first tape drive in library set to name drive01) DSMSERV> define drive sparcstorage drive02 device=/dev/rmt/1mt element=83 (second tape drive in library set to name drive01) DSMSERV> define devclass exabyte devtype=8mm format=8500 library=sparcstorage (group all 8mm tapes in library sparcstorage under the name exabyte) DSMSERV> define stgpool playpool exabyte maxscratch=9999 (associate the storagepool playpool with the tape group exabyte) DSMSERV> label libvolume sparcstorage search=yes checkin=scratch labelsoource=prompt overwrite=yes (Label the tapes) reply with "reply nnn label=xxxxxx" when prompted DSMSERV> update stgpool backuppool nextstgpool=playpool (use the pool playpool when the pool backuppool is full)

Setting up the client (nzwnsrim10001)

edit the file /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys and add the following servername tsmlibrary (TSM server name) commmethod tcpip (use tcpip for comms with server) tcpport 1500 (port set on the server for comms) tcpserveraddress nzwnstsm10001.lab.com (IP address or name of server)

You can now run dsmc to do your backups/restores.

to do a simple immediate backup run dsmc i and specify what you reqire. If you which to have scheduled backups then you will need dsmc run in schedule mode. The best way to have this on the system is to have it started from /etc/inittab. A sample entry is tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched >/dev/null 2>&1 1