Re: copy raw device

From: John Jolet (john.jolet@FXFN.COM)
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 08:50:35 EST

have one vg with the ssa...and another with the fastt. create all the
same lvs in the fastt one, same size and everything. then dd
if=/dev/rssalvname of=/dev/rfasttlvname bs=1024k
note the "r" on the device name....

This is how we back up our raw oracle volumes.

Rick YEH wrote:

>Hello AIXer,
> I am going to move the Informix database from SSA storage to a new
>Fastt600 storage. In what command I can make an identical copy of all the
>raw device which was allocated to the Informix database for its tablespace
>from an SSA storage to the Fastt stroage without destoy the data. Please
>five me your professional suggestion and the detail instructions. Thanks!

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