Re: Two directories with same name in a single directory

From: Jef Lee (jef.lee@ITVISION.COM.AU)
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 04:35:59 EST

Hi Praveen

Your bad directory shows as "usf3pres3" in an ordinary listing, but you
saw the ^H when you did the cat -vet. You need to note the other
character - the one that the backspace hides. It is the one just before
the ^H.

For the sake of the following instruction, assume it is an X and the odd
characters are before the second "s". That means the cat -vet displays:

Then rename the directory using:

        mv usf3preX?s3 unwanted

The "?" will substitute for the ^H.

Once you have renamed it, you can do what you like with it.

G'day from down under,


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