Re: Urgent!! rootvg over 2 disks? [Virus checked]

From: Patrick B. O'Brien (pobrien@DOIT.NV.GOV)
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 13:43:21 EST

I'd do it by lv.

Do a 'mklvcopy 3 lvname hdisk_name'. One of the nicer features of lvm, you can make 3 copies. Once you get stuff all moved the way you want it, do a 'rmlvcopy lvname 2 hdisk_name'.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason delaFuente [mailto:jason.delafuente@GBE.COM]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:32 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: Urgent!! rootvg over 2 disks? [Virus checked]

The way to get around that is to add all of your disks to the vg, move all of the LV's to the disk you want them on (hdisk0 and hdisk1), then run the following:

mirrorvg rootvg hdisk2 hdisk3

This forces AIX to only put the copies on the two disks specified and not do anything crazy when you setup the mirror.

When you want to unmirror you use

umirrorvg rootvg hdisk2 hdisk3

Jason de la Fuente

>>> john.jolet@FXFN.COM 03/04/04 12:16PM >>>
i think you just put all 4 disks in the vg. however, do NOT
expect it to look like that. what really happens is you say "copies 2"
and "each copy on seperate physical disk" and set a stripesize....the
lvm basically throws stuff at the disk. I never figured out a way to
map it the way you said. the end result is the same, in terms of space
use and data protection, but if you lose a drive, it gets complicated....

fmu@OERAG.DE wrote:

>ist it possible to expand the rootvg over 2 disks?
>The reason is, that my rootvg is full (hdisk0) and i extend it with a
>second disk. Now I want to have
>hdisk0 + hdisk1 for orig. data
>hdisk2 + hdisk3 for mirror
>Ist this possible or must the rootvg locate on one disk?
>Best regards,
>Frank Mueller

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