Re: Admins to Boxes ratio

From: Gosselin, Mark (gosselinm@NETSCOUT.COM)
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 19:37:40 EST

I have about 125 boxes (mix of Solaris, AIX, HP, and Red Hat), and I'm all alone. Make sure you definitely don't tell your boss that
one. Previously, I worked for a company that had a "standard" for this. Their thought was 60-75 boxes per admin, which is
exactly what John Jolet's ratio is... I feel a little bit overworked (especially because I also do some development work), but my
environment is pretty stable, so another person would likely be kind of bored.
I do get a college student "intern" in the summer and during winter semester break, so I do get some time to do things that pile up.
I'm trying to convince my boss that we need someone else at least part time....

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Patrick B. O'Brien [mailto:pobrien@DOIT.NV.GOV]
        Sent: Thu 2/26/2004 6:43 PM
        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
        Subject: Admins to Boxes ratio

        Anybody have any IBM Documentation defining the AIX Admins to Boxes ratio?

        I'm an AIX Admin supporting some 14 AIX Boxes and a few RH Boxes; I think I could use some help. My boss wants to see if IBM agrees.

        Thank you.

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