Re: ksh script w/o perl

From: Thierry ITTY (thierry.itty@BESANCON.ORG)
Date: Fri Jan 30 2004 - 03:30:33 EST

the following shell command line will set the variables YOURPREFIX1 to
YOURPREFIXnnn to the content of each line form YOURFILE from the 1st to the

funny, isn't it ?

# your shell
$(awk '{print "eval export YOURPREFIX" NR "=\"" $1 "\""}' YOURFILE)


A 08:22 30/01/2004 +0800, vous avez écrit :
>cat /etc/oratab|grep -v "#"|grep -vN|cut -c -8|xargs echo|read DB1 DB2
>export DB1 DB2
>-----Original Message-----
>From: IBM AIX Discussion List [mailto:aix-l@Princeton.EDU] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 4:44 AM
>To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
>Subject: ksh script w/o perl
>Anybody have a quick way to set each line of output from a file to a
>different variable without using perl?
>[root@nad0019aixd05/]# cat /etc/oratab|grep -v "#"|grep -v
>N|cut -c -8
>PRODUCES two lines:
>how can I painlessly set these in a script to variables DB1 and DB2?
>Bobby Kelley Jr.
                        - * - * - * - * - * - * -
Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
        Thierry ITTY
eMail : FRANCE

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