technology flash for SDD?

From: jbarratt (jbarratt@COMPSAT.COM)
Date: Fri Jan 16 2004 - 10:51:03 EST

found it..please disregard previous post...vendor reporting existing IBM
APARs as new problem..

-----Original Message-----
From: jbarratt []
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 10:08 AM
To: 'aix-l@Princeton.EDU'
Subject: technology flash for SDD?

someone forward this to me. I am unable to find any further
documentation, and the SDD website has no AIX updates since 1.5

and no flashes since december..anyone seen more info on this?

Technology Flash: T04-0006-0

Solution: AIX and Subsystem Device Driver

Subject: IBM ESS Fibre Channel Subsystems

Release: All versions of AIX and all versions of Subsystem Device

Driver for AIX

Summary: Systems utilizing Subsystem Device Driver (SDD) for AIX and

fibre channel attached disks may crash, hang, write incorrect data, or

experience slowing disk access.

Posted: January 15, 2004

Jeff Barratt-McCartney
Compsat Technology
248-223-1020 x337
248-320-3927 cell

Jeff Barratt-McCartney
Compsat Technology
248-223-1020 x337
248-320-3927 cell

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