Re: Hard drive problem?

From: Bob.Kelley@BRINKSINC.COM
Date: Wed Oct 01 2003 - 11:38:52 EDT

fist unmount that filesystem and run fsck.....sounds like corrupt data

anything in errpt about that disk failing?

Bobby Kelley

| | Tim Muller |
| | <aix_sa_706@YAHOO|
| | .COM> |
| | Sent by: IBM AIX |
| | Discussion List |
| | <aix-l@Princeton.|
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| | 10/01/2003 10:26 |
| | AM |
| | Please respond to|
| | IBM AIX |
| | Discussion List |
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  | To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU |
  | cc: |
  | Subject: Hard drive problem? |

Our DBA deleted all the files in a file system, but it
still shows 42% full. FSCK shows errors:
/dev/hd16 (/u06): Bad Inode Map (NOT SALVAGED)
/dev/hd16 (/u06): Bad Block Map (NOT SALVAGED)
/dev/hd16 (/u06): Filesystem integrity is not
/dev/hd16 (/u06): 10 files 131768 blocks 4062536 free

There are 3 file systems on the disk, two of which
have the errors shown above, one does not. Do I have
a bad disk, or is this a file system problem? TIA.

Tim Muller
Hamilton Co. Dept. of Job & Family Services
Cincinnati, OH USA

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