Re: Reading tapes between servers

From: Myers, Drew (MyersD@GOALAMO.COM)
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 14:21:49 EDT

--- "Myers, Drew" <MyersD@GOALAMO.COM> wrote:
> I heard recently from a tech at Sungard during a
> recent Disaster Recovery
> test that DDS drives are notorious for head
> alignment issues.

So am I correct in my belief that these two drives
with the same part number but different EC levels and
FRU numbers *should* be able to read each other's
tars? If so, am I within my rights to keep calling
our (3rd party) hardware maintenance vendor back out
until the drives can read one another's tars? TIA.

Sorry I wasn't clear about this (and sorry for the horrid formatting of this
message, I'm required to use Outlook by my company *shudders*).

Anyway. You can request your vendor to replace the drives until you get a
pair that actually read each others tapes. This situation will likely
deteriorate over time, in which case you'll find yourself in this same
situation again (both drives work, but can't read the other's tapes). I
believe the issue is due to the complexity with which DDS tapes are written
and read, rather than anything else.

Anyone have similar or differing experience with reading DDS tapes on a
drive other than the drive upon which the tape was written?

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