Re: SSH Vulnerability Fix for AIX?

From: Alexandre Sato (alexandre.sato@BR.ABNAMRO.COM)
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 14:07:22 EDT

As long as SSH is NOT AN OFFICIAL PRODUCT from IBM, it does not have any
support, unless from the Open SSH project page. The link you've sent has
the apropriated solution for this vulnerability issue:

Subject: OpenSSH Security Advisory: buffer.adv

This is the 2nd revision of the Advisory.

This document can be found at:

1. Versions affected:

        All versions of OpenSSH's sshd prior to 3.7.1 contain buffer
        management errors. It is uncertain whether these errors are
        potentially exploitable, however, we prefer to see bugs
        fixed proactively.

        Other implementations sharing common origin may also have
        these issues.

2. Solution:

                 Upgrade to OpenSSH 3.7.1 or apply the following patch.

So, if you're running a version older than 3.7.1, just make an upgrade for
this version. It's a matter of spending some extra minutes reading the

Ranbir Singh <Singh@XAVIER.EDU>
Sent by: IBM AIX Discussion List <aix-l@Princeton.EDU>
09/18/03 02:47 PM
Please respond to IBM AIX Discussion List

        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
        Subject: SSH Vulnerability Fix for AIX?

Does anyone know if IBM (or related) has released an AIX fix for the
new security vulnerability for SSH?

Here is the description of the issue:


"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."
Ranbir Singh
Information Systems and Services
O: 513.745.3889

Xavier University
3800 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-7411

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