Re: User with same permissions as root

From: Alexandre Sato (alexandre.sato@BR.ABNAMRO.COM)
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 10:08:20 EDT

Two solutions:

1 - Set the required user to have UID 0. This is not recommended, but it's
gonna work. Edit the /etc/passwd entry and change UID and GID to 0.

2 - Using Sudo. Sudo ("superuser do"), allows a system administrator to
give certain user (or groups) the ability to run some (or all) commands as
root or another user while logging the commands and arguments. Sudo is
free software and is distributed under a BDS-style license. You can
download the AIX version at, available both
for 4.3.x and 5.1 versions.

I should use the second one, specially because security concerning.

Best Regards

Sent by: IBM AIX Discussion List <aix-l@Princeton.EDU>
08/25/03 10:55 AM
Please respond to IBM AIX Discussion List

        To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
        Subject: User with same permissions as root

Hi List!

How do I make a user that has the same permissions as root?
Is that possible?
If not, then what can I do to make a user with as many rights as possible,
like root?

What I need to do is to run IBM TAPM, and I hear people say that I need to
run it as 'administrator' on windows. And that works fine.
Now I just need to do the same on AIX.

Yours sincerely
Brian J. D.
IT Security Consultant

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