Re: timeout value

From: Randy Styka (comp-sun!aix-list@COMPGATE.COMPUTRON.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 23:41:07 EDT

>Is there a way to knock a user out of AIX that has
>been inactive for a period of time? If not that, is
>there a way to knock them off after a set period of
>time? I'm wondering if there's a way to do this other
>than by me scripting it.

Sorry for the big delay on this one; been out of town. As a
lot of people have suggested, TMOUT and autologout for csh
will do the trick. But one thing that was not mentioned
was that these only work the users at a shell prompt. If
the user is in an application, you need some additional
software to log off the idle users.

We ran into this, and also a limitation of commands like
"who -u" or "w". These base "idle" users on terminal activity
only. That is, if a user is running a long, cpu bound job,
with no keyboard activity, then they WILL show up as idle in
a command like "who -u"!

To get around this, we wrote (and sell ;-) a utility called
LOGMON. This software monitors the cpu usage for each user,
and their child processes. That way we can be sure the user
really is idle. You can vary the inactivity time by user,
time of day, etc. And since it's a separate program, the
shell in use doesn't matter, and it can be set up to log off
users in other situations than at a shell prompt.

If this is of interest, send a message to
for an auto reply with details or visit


| Computronics Randy Styka, |
| 4N165 Wood Dale Road Phone: 630/941-7767 |
| Addison, Illinois 60101 USA Fax: 630/941-7714 |

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