Re: Antwort: Antwort: which version of PSSP is next year supportet

From: Othman, Asmah-Julaili SITI-ITDGP3-302 (Asmah-Julaili.Othman@SHELL.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 22 2003 - 05:26:38 EDT

What is the website to check all this info?

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM AIX Discussion List [mailto:aix-l@Princeton.EDU]On Behalf Of
Vesna Vranesic
Sent: 22 July 2003 17:10
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Antwort: Antwort: which version of PSSP is next year supportet

If you want (and your HW supports it!) to upgrade to AIX 5.2 and PSSP 3.5
you need to do it in steps:
1. PSSP 3.2 upgrade to PSSP 3.4 (AIX 4.3.3 unchangeable)
2. AIX 4.3.3 upgrade to AIX 5.1 (PSSP 3.4)
3. PSSP 3.4 upgrade to PSSP 3.5 (AIX 5.1)
4. AIX 5.1 upgrade to AIX 5.2 (PSSP 3.5)


fmu@OERAG.DE@Princeton.EDU am 22.07.2003 10:56:04

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Gesendet von: aix-l@Princeton.EDU

An: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Thema: Antwort: which version of PSSP is next year supportet


that means thus, if I must go on AIX 5.1 or AIX 5.2 must I also PSSP update
to 3.4 or 3.5

Hm, that is very expensive or not?
But I have probably no other possibility. Or how does you that make?

Best regards,

>So far I know, you can run AIX 5.1 only with PSSP 3.4 and PSSP 3.5, and
>5.2 only with PSSP 3.5

>Hope it helps


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