Re: Pros and Cons: Managing your own DNS server or Having A third par ty to manage it.

Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 11:27:30 EDT

to roll your own pros:
. to configure it in order to meet your needs
. quicker configuration, no work for external staff
. faster upgrade and security patching
. it's cheaper

to roll your own cons:
. lesser availability - suppose you have two dns servers and both of them have a problem, eg misconfigured config files, your domain goes nuts
. additional management effort

either way depending on the CIDR block you've received from your provider you will need to share reverse DNS configuration with they as per rfc 2317 requirements.

i think the best option in this case is to have a primary server under your control and a secondary one hosted in your ISP.



Marlon Borba
Divisao de Suporte Tecnico
TRF 3a. Regiao
(11) 3311-4683 e 9692-8357 -
"We reject kings, presidents, and voting. We
believe in rough consensus and a
running code."
--Dave Clark, pioneiro da Internet

>>> Alex.Monereau@MOODYS.COM 30/05/03 12:17 >>>
Can anyone provide me with the pros and cons regarding either managing my
own DNS server or having a third part vendor/ISP manage it?

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