Re: Dropping sockets to a particular port

Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 17:40:44 EDT

there is a way but requires some sockets programming knowledge. it's a technique used by hackers to 'hijack' a connection. suppose you know the origin and destination hosts IPs. then you would in order to 'hijack' the connection (a) fool the destination host's TCP/IP stack in such way that it 'thinks' your current host are the origin (e.g. using ARP spoofing), (b) 'sniff' the TCP/IP connection in order to 'guesstimate' the sequence number of the next packet to be sent to the destination and (c) using send a RST (or FIN, don't remember now) packet to end the connection. there are several C programs in the web to do that, or you could write your own.

best regards,


Marlon Borba
Divisao de Suporte Tecnico
TRF 3a. Regiao
(11) 3311-4683 e 9692-8357 -
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running code."
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>>> atwalrs@YAHOO.COM 29/05/03 15:28 >>>
That would kill my notes server unfortunately. All the sockets are controlled by one PID and that PID is the notes server, so if I killed that PID I would kill my notes server, which is what I am trying to avoid.

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