Re: change owner

From: Bob.Kelley@BRINKSINC.COM
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 16:02:59 EDT

chown username filename

| | Diego Kopel |
| | <dkopel@TA.TELECO|
| | M.COM.AR> |
| | Sent by: IBM AIX |
| | Discussion List |
| | <aix-l@Princeton.|
| | EDU> |
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| | |
| | 05/28/2003 04:40 |
| | PM |
| | Please respond to|
| | IBM AIX |
| | Discussion List |
| | |
  | |
  | To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU |
  | cc: |
  | Subject: change owner |

hi, how can a user (that itīs not root) change the owner of his own files?

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