Re: H-50 Running in 64 Bit & Oracle 9.2

From: Bart Schaerrer (bart_schaerrer@BYU.EDU)
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 13:34:21 EDT

I don't believe that the H50 is 64-bit. Ours isn't anyway. We had to learn
this the hardway after completing a successful 64-bit Oracle install (you'd
think the installer would check for a 64-bit platform). It wouldn't run.

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM AIX Discussion List [mailto:aix-l@Princeton.EDU] On Behalf Of John
F Riordan
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 10:54 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: H-50 Running in 64 Bit & Oracle 9.2

Hi All,

I was trying to avoid bothering you all with this question as the 64 bit
question comes up regularly. However, I have been searching the Archives
and am still not sure of the answer to the following question/scenario.

We have a H50 running SAP and Oracle 8.1.7 and AIX 4.3.3.

We would like to do the following:

Upgrade OS to AIX 5.2 running in 64bit and Run Oracle 9.2 with SAP 4.7...
MY question is: does anyone know if running AIX 5.2 in 64bit will allow us
to Run Oracle9.2 ? As it is 64bit only.

As always thanks in advance

John Riordan
Unix Systems Administrator
CSC / Bath Iron Works
Bath, Maine


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