Non-Interactive SFTP

From: Naylor, Jim (Jnaylor@SCHNUCKS.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 24 2003 - 17:04:04 EDT

Hello All,
According to the man pages on SFTP you can use the -b to automate SFTP. The
-b points to a command file that has the sftp commands. Has anyone been
able to get SFTP to work in a script form like ftp. We do the following for
ftp automation:

echo "user username password" > ftpfile
echo "cd abcd" >> ftpfile
echo "get filename" >> ftpfile
echo "bye" >> ftpfile

ftp ftpsite < ftpfile

I have tried to do something similar with SFTP but cannot seem to get it to
work. This script needs to be run by a user other than the sftp login user.
According to the man pages I would have to do sftp username@sftpserver. Any
ideas would be appreciated.

Jim Naylor
Unix Systems Administrator
Schnuck Markets, Inc.
* Direct: (314) 994-4784
*)) Cell: (314) 691-0186
* Fax : (314) 994-4684

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