OpenSSH 3.6.1p1

From: Alan Vidmar (Alan.Vidmar@COLORADO.EDU)
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 15:22:19 EDT

Hi All,

I'm trying to get Open SSH v3.6.1p1 to install on one of my AIX 5.1.003

I'm following the IBM tutorial:Deploying OpenSSH on AIX

But of course using the most recent version of OpenSSL (0.9.7b) and
OpenSSH (3.6.1p1) due to the security problems with prior versions. Also
I'm using GCC v3.2.1 and PRNGD v0.9.27.

I've run into a snag when setting up the compiler for OpenSSH. I cannot
get the compiler options to use the PRNGD (Pseudo Random Number
Generator Daemon) instead of the OpenSSL internal for the "Random
number source".

Here is my config line:
"./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh --with-prngd-socket=/dev/egd-pool --

I do have PRNGD running, so I'm not sure why it won't select it correctly.

Any ideas?


"I don't have time to be impatient."
Alan R. Vidmar Assistant Director of IT
Office of Financial Aid University of Colorado
Alan.Vidmar@Colorado.EDU (303)492-3598
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