OpenSSH 3.4 on 5.2 can't connect when password expires

From: Wesley Joyce (wjoyce@UVI.EDU)
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 11:37:48 EDT

Greetings, what is the fix for not being able to log on to an AIX 5.2 host
running AIX Linux Toolbox's OpenSSH 3.4p1 when the users password has expired?

Wesley Joyce, Systems Administrator
Center for Administrative Computing (CAC), IT
University of the Virgin Islands
#2 John Brewers Bay, St. Thomas, USVI 00802-9990
(340) 693-1469 (voice) / (340) 693-1465 (fax)

"If you can't explain it simply, than you don't know it well enough. -

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