AIX 5 Upgrade CD problem

From: Raj Atwal (atwalrs@YAHOO.COM)
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 08:49:43 EDT

I am having some problems migrating a pSeries 6C1 from 4.3.3-10 to 5.1-03. For some reason the cdrom on this server reads my AIX 5.1 cd extremly slowly. Infact it can took upto 30 mins just to boot off the cd and go into maintenance mode. Then when I actually started the migration, it was going so slow that I estimated it would take 5 hours to update the 180 or so filesets that I have on this server. Anyway, the upgrade failed, I dont know if this was due to the cd/cdrom so I had to restore this server from a backup. I inspected my AIX 5.1 cd1 and found a small faint scratch that perhaps wsa causing my problem. So I burned a copy of cd1 and tried using that,,,,,,same problem again although it seemed like the reading of the cd was somewhat faster but I cancelled the upgrade because it was still going to take longer than the maintenance window I had. So the next evening I got another set of AIX 5.1 cds and again had the same problem. I have another 6C1 that I migrated the we!
 ek before and I also had the exact same problems with this server reading the AIX 5.1 cds so slowly. It took my three attempts to get this server to boot into maintenance mode and do the upgrade. So I beginning to think that perhaps the 6c1's have a problem. Now the strange thing is as a test I used a 4.3.3 cd to boot this server, and boom the maintenance menu loads up in about 2-3 minutes which is the norm, so this only seems to be a problem with AIX 5.1 cds and not the cdrom itself. Anyone have any ideas whats going on here or experienced the same thing? BTW, I updated the system firmware to the latest level prior to the migrations. I am beginning to think that I may have to use the alt_disk and NIM method for migrating my 6C1, but that will a pain for me to setup.

Raj Atwal
Senior Systems Consultant
Braegen Group
Toronto, ON, Canada
(416) 366 6363

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